New Single
I Just wanna hold you
Listen to my single on Spotify
I just wanna hold you – All together now su Canale 5
The thrilling presentation of Michelle Hunziker and my performance as "guest of honor" of my unpublished "I just wanna hold you".
Yuri sings “Wherever you will go” in Notre Dame
Electric love Festival di Salisburgo
Yuri sings for the opening of the Festival in front of 50,000 people
The Electric Love Festival comes to NAPLES to invite Yuri to Salzburg.
Los Angeles
Yuri in Los Angeles records WE ARE THE WORLD with 30 web stars.
We are the world remake
#togheterathome (Coronavirus-2020 Yuri sings from home during the Coronavirus period
We are the world
We are the world: Yuri on french tv with big stars (2020)
Unpublished “I still remember you”
Unpublished “Daria” Versione italiana
I have found myself many times, surrounded by hundreds of people from all over the world, in the center of Paris, during my street concerts. I was waiting for the end of the performance to reveal my nationality to everyone, my English betrayed them, the circle tightened around me, handshakes, smiles, photos and a question “… where are you from?”.
“I’m italian.”
Seeing those glances mixed with amazement, admiration, awareness and healthy jealousy, made me realize a simple thing: Being Italian is a wealth and has an inestimable value.
Yuri Menna was born in Naples with a name that will bring him luck because it is the name of a certain Gagarin who conquered space on April 12, 1961 … Yuri was born on April 12 many years later … involuntary signs of a predestined.
As a child he handled an atlas, he dreamed of traveling, learning languages, being global.
He landed in Paris at the age of 21 bringing with him courage, a diploma in languages and an unbridled passion for his guitar with which he accompanied himself to sing pieces by Freddie Mercury, Pink Floyd, Tracy Chapman, James Taylor, the Eagles …
Yuri’s career as a “street artist” begins one summer afternoon in 2005 in Beaubourg, an artists’ district known for the performances of actors, jugglers and singers.
After several jams with other artists, Yuri decided to go it alone, partly to make new friends, partly out of desire to exist. Voice, guitar and a lot of heart. People appreciate this and discreetly fill his guitar case with bits and pieces.
Soon Yuri realized that street art could support him more than his restaurant job, that people loved him, that Paris could give him the life he had always dreamed of, that his music and his voice could reach the four corners of the planet, traveling in the hearts of visitors from all over the world.
Yuri produced 4 albums, sold several tens of thousands of albums around the world, sang in the most beautiful squares of London, Dublin, Amsterdam, Rome, Frankfurt, Berlin Malaga, Naples, New York, Sydney, Los Angeles.
He has participated in international festivals in Bahrain, France, Austria and Switzerland.
He was part of the cast of singers in the latest “WE ARE THE WORLD” video recorded at Capitol Studios in Los Angeles.
Yuri was also discovered and strongly desired by Roberto Cenci for his participation in the broadcast of “All Together Now” on 14.07.2020 as a special guest, with his unpublished piece “I just wanna hold you”, of which the well-known director himself fell in love with it.Thanks to the sharing of the videos of the millions of people who have seen him around the world, Yuri has become the best known street artist in the world.
That child’s dreams have come true.

I have found myself many times, surrounded by hundreds of people from all over the world, in the center of Paris, during my street concerts. I was waiting for the end of the performance to reveal my nationality to everyone, my English betrayed them, the circle tightened around me, handshakes, smiles, photos and a question “… where are you from?”.
“I’m italian.”
Seeing those glances mixed with amazement, admiration, awareness and healthy jealousy, made me realize a simple thing: Being Italian is a wealth and has an inestimable value.
Yuri Menna was born in Naples with a name that will bring him luck because it is the name of a certain Gagarin who conquered space on April 12, 1961 … Yuri was born on April 12 many years later … involuntary signs of a predestined.
As a child he handled an atlas, he dreamed of traveling, learning languages, being global.
He landed in Paris at the age of 21 bringing with him courage, a diploma in languages and an unbridled passion for his guitar with which he accompanied himself to sing pieces by Freddie Mercury, Pink Floyd, Tracy Chapman, James Taylor, the Eagles …
Yuri’s career as a “street artist” begins one summer afternoon in 2005 in Beaubourg, an artists’ district known for the performances of actors, jugglers and singers.
After several jams with other artists, Yuri decided to go it alone, partly to make new friends, partly out of desire to exist. Voice, guitar and a lot of heart. People appreciate this and discreetly fill his guitar case with bits and pieces.
Soon Yuri realized that street art could support him more than his restaurant job, that people loved him, that Paris could give him the life he had always dreamed of, that his music and his voice could reach the four corners of the planet, traveling in the hearts of visitors from all over the world.
Yuri produced 4 albums, sold several tens of thousands of albums around the world, sang in the most beautiful squares of London, Dublin, Amsterdam, Rome, Frankfurt, Berlin Malaga, Naples, New York, Sydney, Los Angeles.
He has participated in international festivals in Bahrain, France, Austria and Switzerland.
He was part of the cast of singers in the latest “WE ARE THE WORLD” video recorded at Capitol Studios in Los Angeles.
Yuri was also discovered and strongly desired by Roberto Cenci for his participation in the broadcast of “All Together Now” on 14.07.2020 as a special guest, with his unpublished piece “I just wanna hold you”, of which the well-known director himself fell in love with it.Thanks to the sharing of the videos of the millions of people who have seen him around the world, Yuri has become the best known street artist in the world.
That child’s dreams have come true.
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